On 2021, Perfectionism, and NFTs.

It may have taken me an entire year, but I’ve made a discovery.

Jemimah Jones
3 min readJan 13, 2022
Quote me anywhere.

Every time I begin something new, like this blog post, for example, I end up not finishing it.

Why? Because somewhere between my imposter syndrome and the fear of being vulnerable, I need it to be absolutely flawless.

I refuse to be the girl who pubishes typis in hr artcles.

Take 2021. All throughout the year (my followers will attest to this) I made many attempts at finally getting back to having a regular posting schedule.

How did that go? In lieu of actual posts, I’ve tonnes of research on the best time to post on IG, Facebook, and Twitter to show on my search history.

(I think I averaged 0.5 social media posts per month last year, but that’s by the way.)

Social media aside, 2021 was an AMAZING year. Here’s a chronological list of all my wins and other notable events.

  1. If you don’t know what RISE is, here’s a link to their site. You want to check this out, if not for curiosity because I’M ON THE HOMEPAGE!!!
  2. I’m really proud of my growth since that first job in January. Check out my profile on Upwork.
  3. iManage Agency, my side-hustle-turned-business, helps Nigerians and land well-paying work they love without getting 41 rejections first. Reach out to learn more.

You get the gist. I had a good year. Among other things, that means that I started 2022 thinking this year had to be bigger, better, and more magnificent if I was to consider it a “good” year this time 2023.

I am no longer under such assumptions.

Now, I want this year to be the year I take deep breaths. I want this to be the year I become satisfied with simply doing. Not doing something huge. Or something amazing. But just doing. Preferably, doing what makes me happy.

Why? Because I like soft life. Make nobody prejure me, abeg, least of all me.

At work last week, my boss who I completely adore (like, I’m a complete fangirl, ask anyone) posted a fun, participation-optional prompt to get us to talk about our lives.

“Would you rather have 10 hobbies or one passion?”

My response:

I totally had myself pegged as a “life passion” type of girl, but hey. Maybe I don’t know myself as much as I thought I did. Maybe this will be a year I discover myself some more.

As of today, I am rekindling my obsession with digital art. With the Twitter ban finally lifted, I logged onto the bird app this morning, and oh my. My feed is full of NFT art, and they are all so, so beautiful.

In between that and the extensive feedback I’ve received from Covenantnsa and Keesh Rowland on how they miss my poetry, I’ve decided to pursue two new hobbies this year: digital art and poetry. Or maybe, a mix of both. Coming soon.

Summary? I’m not perfect, and if you want me to be, I apologize in advance. I already hold myself up to inhuman standards, so I hope you read my long, rambling articles, and love my (hopefully) fresh, deep (probably, confusing) art, whenever I make it.

If you liked this story, let me know in the comments because vulnerability is hard for me, and (I hope) you are a nice person.

The End.

Yes, you read right. I told you, every time I begin something new, I end up not finishing it, and I simply refuse to obsess over the perfect ending to this article for an hour.



Jemimah Jones

Hi! I'm a content marketer working in web3. I share about work, art, impact, blockchain technology — and stuff that makes it easier to be happy.